Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Artist: Edward Burtynsky
Title: Shipbreaking #10
Date: 2000
Edward Burtynsky is a Canadian photographer who travels the world in search of the perfect shot. This shot in particular was taken in Chittagong, Bangladesh in the year 2000 and was taken at a shipbreaking yard. It is from a larger series of many shipbreaking yards all labeled with a # next to them. Burtynsky searches for subjects with rich detail and scenes that depict a metaphor to the dilemma of modern existence. He is fascinated with the idea of how man has evolved, from stone to fire, and from oil to industries. This amazing evolution however has transformed nature into a man made thing. These images that Burtynsky has captured are meant to represent a reflection of our time.
This chromogenic color print is without a doubt rich not only in detail, but in color and composition as well. The main part of the broken down ship is almost perfectly centered so all attention is drawn to it. However, another part of a ship on the left is a dominating figure, as is the piece on the right. A point is almost drawn from right and left that meets in the middle so all detail in the photograph can be viewed easily. There is no doubt that this picture represents destruction. This shipbreaking yard is gloomy, broken down, and left to rust away. The ships are still very noticeable and easy to identify, but very sad to look at. It is unclear why or how this ship yard came to be, but it is obvious by just looking at it that nature has been manipulated by industry. These man made ships have polluted the world and left it looking as if the world is now in ruins. Many people do not see shipbreaking yards in their lifetime, so they proceed to reject the idea that they have anything to do with this destruction. People demand products that have to be shipped. Our navy must use water based transportation in order to defend our country. Just because we don't see or witness certain places does not mean we do not affect or partake in the outcome of them. Burtynsky does an amazing job of showing destruction by man. Although fascinated with man and industry, he believes the world suffers for our success and this idea is clearly shown in his photographs.  

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